Do what you love, love what you do.

I'm lucky enough to do what I always wanted to do in my life. Art and crafts were always around me. I haven't got artists in my family but my mother always believed in me and provided opportunitties to learn and improve my drawing skills when I was a child.

I graduated from the University obtaining my BA which hasn't got anything to do with arts and in 2009 I moved from Poland following my heart. 

Today I live in the UK with the most amazing and supportive husband and our Mera the Vizsla. We live in a beautiful Oxfordshire village enjoying beautiful English countryside.

For last few years I was a design team member of a few international companies including Faber-Castell, Stampotique Originals, 13arts and ColourArte. I have learnt a lot about mixed media and scrapbooking world and met wonderful people. I was also honoured to be one of the administrators of the first and the biggest scrapbooking portal in Poland - Scrapujace Polki.

In October 2012 my first projects were published in scrapbooking magazine. In May 2014 my first article appeared in Craft Stamper. Since then my articles and projects have been regularly published in magazines.

In June 2014 I was asked to teach some workshops in Westhope College in Shropshire. After over a year working with amazing crafty people, I stopped running workshops in Westhope but still from time to time I enjoy teaching in another places. I like working with people, showing them what I have learnt in last few years. The main thing which I enjoy teaching is how to have fun experimenting with products and techniques and how to use the same products in different ways.

2015 was a special year for me. I decided to stop making regular mixed media projects for other companies and come back to my roots - illustration. Since then I have worked as a freelance illustrator. My illustration can be found in colouring notebooks, magazines and other products.

I love designing illustrations for various products and companies, every day brings something interesting. I'm looking forward to new challenges in the future.

But there is more…

For over 11 years I have been a volunteer, first in a museum then in a hospice helping people with crafts and arts projects. But my main volunteer job, for over 5 years, was supporting people as a British Red Cross volunteer, trying to help them a little in stressful times of their lives. Many tears but even more smiles...happy days. In 2016 I've finished caregivers training to be able to understand peoples needs a little bit better. In 2018 I've joined an amazing volunteering army in RAF Museum Cosford.

Between all of above I love walking, travelling and crocheting / knitting! I love scent of forest and being near the lakes. I love walking in a rain in a very hot day. I give names to my dogs' toys and my cars. I try to avoid dishwashers and brand new soap bars. I have a few mugs for a different time of a day, tea tastes better! 
